How much will my VoIP telephone system cost?

We can give you a back of the envelope idea on what your new system will cost.

Take the number of handsets in your organisation and multiply by £10.

Everyone looking to switch to VoIP is on a different deal with their current supplier so we can never say something as straightforward as, “Save 70% of your call costs”, although if you move from a feature line system you will!

For a regular phone user like solicitors, accountants, wholesalers etc this is a realistic calculation and the reality is that it is usually less and the more extensions you have the lower “per extension” cost you get but we are talking “back of the envelope”.

If you are interested in knowing more about VoIP and whether it is right for your business please don’t hesitate to contact Upstream who are part of VC Warehouse to ask anything you like about VoIP’s functionality, installation, web interface, TAPI or the free trial.


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